First of all, let's explain the structure of our brain, in order to truly understand the disease of hydrocephalus, this structure must be known first. Our brain floats in a fluid inside the skull, this is called cerebrospinal fluid. Cerebrospinal fluid provides our brain with various needed electrolytes, nutrients, it also has a protective effect, and is a fluid with many functions. Like its (the brain’s) surroundings, this fluid is densely located in the middle of the brain in the spaces that we call the ventricles. Actually, the greatest amount of this cerebrospinal fluid is produced and formed in these cavities in the middle of the brain, which we call them ventricles. After it is produced here, it is distributed to the whole of the brain, all around it, again with the help of canals in the brain, and finally it is reabsorbed by the veins. Knowing this structure, we will understand more easily why Hydrocephalus occurs, why this disease occurs. We said that the cerebrospinal fluid is produced in the cavities we call the ventricles. There are various types of Hydrocephalus. If there is an obstruction in those canals after production occurs, if there is a blockage in these canals, this fluid accumulates in the previous part because of this obstruction. And then an increase in its volume and pressure happens, and the spaces we call that ventricles begin to grow, we call this ventriculomegaly. And since the brain is in a closed box, the skull, an increased volume and pressure inside begins to affect the brain negatively. Well, what else could be the cause of hydrocephalus, what we said, the cerebrospinal fluid is formed in these cavities, dispersed with the help of canals, and is reabsorbed by the veins. If a problem occurs in the reabsorption of this fluid in the veins; that is, if the cerebrospinal fluid is produced but cannot be reabsorbed, an increase happens again in its volume and pressure, which we call communicative Hydrocephalus. There are various reasons for such obstructions, that is, obstructions in the canals, but the most common reason is the narrowing of that canal as a congenital anomaly that we see mostly in children, and because of the narrowing of the canal, those three cavities expand and the situation we call acute Hydrocephalus occurs. This is the picture we see in newborns, those ventricular cavities expand and babies' skulls, as well as their heads start to grow and expand.