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Çocuk Ortopedisi

Doç. Dr. Vugar NABİ

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CURRICULUM VITAE                                        VUGAR NABİ, M.D., ASS. PROFESSOR                                                                                 DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Current Appointments Primary Appointment            Specialist in Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Spine surgeon. Pediatric Orthopaedics. Ministry Of Health, University of Health Science,Antalya Research and Education    Hospital.Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Antalya, Turkey.   Personal Data Citizenship and Visa Status      Republic of Turkey Marital Status                          Married Office Address                          Specialist in Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Spine surgeon. Pediatric Orthopaedics. Ministry Of Health, University of Health Science,Antalya Research and Education    Hospital.Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Antalya, Turkey Phone + 90 (242) 249 1300 GSM + 90 (545) 465-6670 e-mail: [email protected]   Education and Training Degree-Granting Education      Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2005, Doctor of Medicine.   Postgraduate Training              Resident, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey, 2009-2015.   Fellow, Post-Doctoral; Research Associate and Clinical Observer, Department of Orthopaedics, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, MD, U.S.A. Deformity surgery, Travelling Clinical Fellowship Training, ASAMİ, 2014.Turkey     Clinical Fellow, Spinal Surgery.  Ankara Spine Center, Ankara, Turkey.  Prof.Drs. Emre Acaroglu and Selcuk Palaoglu, September 2015-September 2016. Clinical Fellow, Paediatric Orthopaedics- Prof. Dr. C.Aksoy     Professional Experience          Specialist in Spinal health,deseases and surgery at ARTES Spine Center, Pediatric Orthopaedics at Acibadem Ankara Hospital, Ankara.  Turkey, August 2015 – April 2018.   Specialist in Orthopaedics and Traumatology,Spine surgeron,Pediatric Orthopedics. . Ministry Of Health, University of Health Science,Antalya. Turkey 2018 April           RECOGNITION        Invited Talks, Panels Faculty of Turkish Spine Society: “Evidence Based Analysis of  Intrumetation related Distal Adjacent Problems.” 4 st Meeting on Experience and Evidence on Spinal Surgery, November 17, 2018, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. 13 th  International Turkish Spine Congress.  The safety and relabiility of Subaxial cervical spine injury classification systems. April 3,2019 Izmir,Turkey Certificates Passed the orthopedics qualification exam(BOARD) Passed the Certificate Examination in Spinal Surgery (BOARD), Turkish Spine Society, Istanbul, Turkey, May 2014. Education of Educators, Turkish Spine Society, February 20, 2015, Ankara , Turkey. Education of Examiners, Turkish Spine Society, February 21, 2015, Ankara , Turkey. Education of Educators, AOSpine, April 28, 2016, Adana, Turkey. EUROSPİNE Accredited diploma-2021                          Languages   English (Turkish Higher Education Council examination score: 77,5.  Accepted equivalent IELTS score: 6). Russion language                        SUBJECT OF INTEREST Spine, all subgroups of spine (trauma, infection, degeneration, metabolic/inflammatory/genetic, but special further interest on spine oncology and  deformity),Pediatric orthopaedic disorders,Sports Medicine and other subgroups of orthopaedics, learning and teaching, human relations, Special motto (principle) Spine and Pediatric Orthopaedics is not my duty, it is my hobby and I really want to perform (learning/applying/teaching) it not as a duty, but as an art       SOCIAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES Good communication skills in terms of living and working with other people, in multicultural environments and in teamwork; both at work and in voluntary work.   ORGANIZATIONAL ACTIVITIES Institutional Administrative Appointments Member, AOSpine, 2015-present. Member, Turkish Spine Society, 2015-present. Member, Turkish Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology-2021 Member, TURKORTDER-2021       EDITORIAL ACTIVITIES Editorial Board Appointments Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery Journal Reviewer Acta Orthopaedica and Traumatologica Turcica       RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Publications Scientific articles in peer-reviwed journals   Ayse Livanelioglu , Fatma Kaya , Vugar Nabiyev , Gokhan Demirkiran , Tüzün Fırat. The Validity and Reliability of "Spinal Mouse" Assessment of Spinal Curvatures in the Frontal Plane in Pediatric Adolescent Idiopathic Thoraco-Lumbar Curves. Eur Spine J . 2016 Feb;25(2):476-82. doi: 10.1007/s00586-015-3945-7. Epub 2015 Apr 22.   Mmopelwa T, Nabiyev V, Ayhan S, Acaroglu E. A migrated knitting needle in a paediatric spine: case report. Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery. 2016;32(2):391-4.     Nabiyev V, Kara A, Aksoy MC. Multidisciplinary assessment of congenital insensitivity to pain syndrome. Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery. 2016;32(9):1741-4.     Nabiyev V, Ayhan S, Yuksel S, Niyazi A, Mmopelwa T, Domingo-Sabat M, et al. Does Surgery for Adult Spinal Deformity Affect the Cognitive Abilities in Patients over 50 Years of Age? Turkish neurosurgery. 2017;27(5):779-84     Nabiyev V, Olcay E, Yorubulut M, Aksoy C.  Evaluation of reduction quality with MRI after closed or open reduction of the hip in the treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip. J.Acta Orthopaedica Belgica. . Belg., 2020, 86 e-supplement 1, 95-99   Mmopelwa T, Ayhan S, Yuksel S, Nabiyev V, Niyazi A, Pellise F, et al. Analysis of factors affecting baseline SF-36 Mental Component Summary in Adult Spinal Deformity and its impact on surgical outcomes. Acta orthopaedica et traumatologica turcica. 2018;52(3):179-84.     Nabıyev VN, Ayhan S, Adhıkarı P, Cetın E, Palaoglu S, Acaroglu RE. Cryo-Compression Therapy After Elective Spinal Surgery for Pain Management: A Cross-Sectional Study With Historical Control. Neurospine. 2018;15(4):348-52   Ayhan S, Yuksel S, Nabiyev V, Adhikari P, Villa-Casademunt A, Pellise F, et al. The Influence of Diagnosis, Age, and Gender on Surgical Outcomes in Patients With Adult Spinal Deformity. Global spine journal. 2018;8(8):803-9   Yuksel S, Ayhan S, Nabiyev V, Domingo-Sabat M, Vila-Casademunt A, Obeid I, Perez-Grueso FS, Acaroglu E; European Spine Study Group (ESSG).Minimum clinically important difference of the health-related quality of life scales in adult spinal deformity calculated by latent class analysis: is it appropriate to use the same values for surgical and nonsurgical patients? Spine J. 2019 Jan;19(1):71-78.   Selim Ayhan , Vugar Nabi Nabiyev, Yasin Yetisyigit, Selcuk Palaoglu, Mehmet Yorubulut. Complementary Specific Pelvic Sequences on Routine Lumbar Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scans: An Imaging-Based Study Focused on Piriformis Syndrome. Turk Neurosurg. 2019;29(5):698-704.   Emre Acaroglu , Selcen Yuksel ,Can Ates , Selim Ayhan , Sinan Bahadir , Vugar Nabi , Alba Vila-Casedemunt , Francisco Javier Sanchez Perez-Grueso , Ibrahim Obeid , European Spine Study Group. Decision Analysis in Quest of the Ideal Treatment in Adult Spinal Deformity adjusted for Minimum Clinically Important Difference. World Neurosurgery.2020 ,june. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2020.06.208     Sinan Bahadır , Vugar Nabi , Prashant Adhikari , Selim Ayhan , Emre Acaroglu . Anterior Spinal Artery Syndrome: Rare Precedented Reason of Postoperative Plegia After Spinal Deformity Surgery: Report of 2 Cases.  World Neurosurgery. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2020.05.216     Cem Karabulut , Selim Ayhan ,Selcen Yuksel , Vugar Nabiyev , Alba Vila-Casademunt , Ferran Pellise , Ahmet Alanay , Francisco Javier Sanchez Perez-Grueso , Frank Kleinstuck , Ibrahim Obeid , Emre Acaroglu , European Spine Study Group. Adult Spinal Deformity Over 70 Years of Age: A 2-Year Follow-Up Study. Int J Spine Surg. 2019 Aug 31;13(4):336-344.   Adhikari P, Nabiyev VN, Bahadir S, Ayhan S, Yuksel S, Palaoglu S, Acaroglu E. Does the Application of Topical Intrawound Vancomycin Powder Affect Deep Surgical Site Infection and the Responsible Organisms after Spinal Surgery?: A Retrospective Case Series with a Historical Control Group. Asian Spine J. 2020 Feb;14(1):72-78.   Selim Ayhan,Vugar Nabi Nabiyev,Mehmet Yorubulut,Selcuk Palaoglu.Sacral Stress Fractures: An Imagıng Based Cross-Sectıonal Study. The Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery.2018.Oct.29;4.237-241   Sinan Bahadir, Vugar Nabi, Selim Ayhan, Selcuk Palaoglu, Emre Acaroglu. Bakker Classıfıcatıon In Treatment Of Sacral Stress Fractures: A Sıngle Center Experıence. The Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery.2020. 145   Vugar Nabi Nabyev, Hakan Seneran, Mehmet Cemalettin Aksoy. Congenital Insensitivity to Pain Syndrome with Anhidrosis. Review of Literature.  J Pediatrics & Pediatr Med. 2018; 2(4): 14-20   Vugar Nabi · Selim Ayhan · Emre Acaroglu· Mustafa Arda Ahi · Hakan Toreyin5· A. Enis Cetin. Can we diagnose disk and facet degeneration in lumbar spine by acoustic analysis of spine sounds? Signal, Image and Video Processing https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-020-01776-3. Received: 22 July 2020 / Revised: 20 August 2020 / Accepted: 31 August 202   Vugar Nabi, Cengiz Aldemir.  Efficacy of proximal crescentic, supination osteotomy in the surgical treatment of moderate and severe hallux valgus deformity. Journal of  Medicine Science. Received 30 July 2020; Accepted 11 August 2020 .Available online 23.08.2020 with doi: 10.5455/medscience.2020.07.151   Vugar Nabi , Onur Bilge, Gazi Huri, Filippo Familiari, John Nyland. Osseous ankle morphology and recurrent lateral sprains: A case-control study. Muscle, Ligaments and Tendons Journal.  Accepted 15-Jan-2021. Doi: 10.32098/mltj.03.2021.06 (Yayın No: 7412796)   Kiliçaslan Ömer Faruk, Tokgöz Mehmet Ali, Bütün Şevket, Nabi Vugar, Akalin Serdar (2021).  Accuracy of freehand versus modified funnel technique for pedicle screw insertion in the thoracic spine.  Turkish Neurosurgery, 35(5), 795-802., Doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.34716-21.3 (Yayın No: 7159437)   Kiliçaslan Ömer Faruk, Tokgöz Mehmet Ali, Bütün Şevket, Nabi Vugar, Akalin Serdar (2021).  Management and results of early-onset scoliosis with dual magnetically controlled growing rods: Additional preliminary results of spinal fusion surgery.  Joint Diseases and Related Surgery, 32(2), 478-488., Doi: 10.52312/jdrs.2021.49 (Yayın No: 7158288)   Vugar Nabi, Ayhan Selim, Yüksel Selcen, Adhikari Prashant, Vila Casademunt Alba, Pellise Ferran, Perez Grueso Francisco J Sanchez, Alanay Ahmet, Obeid Ibrahim, Kleinstuck Frank, Acaroglu Emre, Essg European Spine Study Group (2021).  The Effect of Discharging Patients with Low Hemoglobin Levels on Hospital Readmission and Quality of Life after Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery.  Asian Spine Journal, Doi: 10.31616/asj.2020.0629 (Yayın No: 7246039)   Kiliçaslan Ömer Faruk, Nabi Vugar, Yardibi Fatma, Tokgöz Mehmet Ali, Köse Özkan (2021).  Research Tendency in Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Over the Past Decade: A Bibliometric Analysis.  World Neurosurgery, 149, 71-84., Doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2021.02.086 (Yayın No: 6996259)     Bahadir Sinan, Yüksel Selcen, Ayhan Selim, Nabi Vugar, Vila-Casademunt Alba, Obeid Ibrahim, Perez-Grueso Francisco Sanchez, Acaroğlu Emre (2021).  Variation Of Minimum Clinically Important Difference By Age, Gender, Baseline Disability, And Change Of Direction In Adult Spinal Deformity Population: Is It A Constant Value?.  World Neurosurgery, 146, 1171-1176., Doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2020.11.124 (Yayın No: 6702216)   Etli İbrahim, Tokgöz Mehmet Ali, Kiliçaslan Ömer Faruk, Yüncü Murat, Nabi Vugar (2021).  Is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Effective in Patients With Avascular Necrosis of the Femur Head?.  Van Medical Journal, 28(3), 434-439., Doi: 10.5505/vtd.2021.72473 (Kontrol No: 7158866)   Nabi Vugar, Demirkiran Halil Gökhan, Atilla Bülent, Tokgözoğlu Ahmet Mazhar, Çağlar Ömür (2021).  The Prevalence Of Radiographic Femoroacetabular Impingement Morphology In Adolescent Spine Patients.  Medicine Science | International Medical Journal, 10(2), 524-528., Doi: 10.5455/medscience.2021.04.108 (Kontrol No: 7025487)   Kiliçaslan Ömer Faruk, Kilicaslan Aysen, Nabi Vugar, Akalin Serdar (2021).  Is Radiofrequency Ablation in Conjunctıon with Vertebral Augmentation an Effectıve Option in Painful Spinal Metastasis?.  Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery, 32(2), 76-79., Doi: 10.4274/jtss.galenos.2021.22932 (Kontrol No: 7013841)   Gümüşsuyu Gürkan, Kiliçaslan Ömer Faruk, Nabi Vugar, Ertan Mehmet Bariş, Köse Özkan (2021).  The Reliability and Accuracy of Radiographs in The Assessment of Pedicle Screw Placement; A Comparison with Computerized Tomography.  Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery, 32(2), 70-75., Doi: 10.4274/jtss.galenos.2021.25733 (Kontrol No: 7027577)     Scientific articles in non peer-review journals: Nabiyev V, Kadir Büyükdoğan, Ömür Çağlar, Bülent Atilla.   Hareketli İnsörtlü Total Diz Protezi Uygulaması. Turkiye Klinikleri J Orthop & Traumatol-Özet Sayısı 2013;6(4):117-22. Nabiyev.V,Acaroğlu E.  Adolesan idiopatik Skolyoz,Cerrahisi Sonrası komplikasyonlar ve çözümleri.  Turkiye Klinikleri J Orthop & Traumatol-Özet Sayısı 2017;10(2):137-47. Nabiyev V, Ayhan S, Acaroglu E.  Algorithm of the diagnosis and management of the low back pain.  TOTBID Dergisi 2015; 14:242-251 (in Turkish).                                     Oral Presentations: Nabiyev  V,  H.G.Demirkıran,  M.Ayvaz,M.Yazici.   Sacrococcygeal  cordoma.  Sacrectomy,case  series.  Global Spine Congress , Buenos Aires, Argentina.     Nabiyev V, Ö.Çağlar,H.G.Demirkıran,B.Atilla,M.Yazici.  The radiographic assessment of femoracetabular impingement morphology in adolescents and young adults and its relationship with spinal deformities.Turkey.   Nabiyev V, Ayhan S, Yuksel S, Domingo-Sabat M, Pellise F, Alanay A, Perez-Grueso FJS, Kleinstück F, Obeid I, Acaroglu E, European Spine Study Group.  Cognitive impairment following adult spinel deformity surgery. XI. International Spine Congress, 29 April – 3 May 2015, Cesme, Izmir (Turkish Spine Society).   Ayhan S, Yuksel S, Niyazi A, Nabiyev V, Guler UO, Domingo-Sabat M, Pellise F, Alanay A, Perez-Grueso FJS, Kleinstück F, Obeid I, Acaroglu E, European Spine Study Group .Multiple regression analysis of factors affecting the mental component score constituents of SF-36 in adult spinel deformity. XI. International Spine Congress, 29 April – 3 May 2015, Cesme, Izmir (Turkish Spine Society).   Nabiyev V, Olcay E,Yorubulut M,Aksoy .  Evaluation of reduction quality with MRI after closed or open reduction of the hip in the treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip.   Ayhan S, Nabiyev V, Yuksel S, Domingo-Sabat M, Pellise F, Alanay A, Perez-Grueso FJS, Kleinstück F, Obeid I, Acaroglu E, European Spine Study Group. Cognitive impairment following adult spinel deformity surgery. Eur Spine J (2015) 24 (Suppl 6):S755. Eurospine 2015, 2-4 September, Copenhagen, Denmark   Ayhan S, Yuksel S, Niyazi A, Nabiyev V, Guler UO, Domingo-Sabat M, Pellise F, Alanay A, Perez-Grueso FJS, Kleinstück F, Obeid I, Acaroglu E, European Spine Study Group. Multiple regression analysis of factors affecting the mental component score constituents of SF-36 in adult spinel deformity. Eur Spine J (2015) 24 (Suppl 6):S755. Eurospine 2015, 2-4 September, Copenhagen, Denmark   Nabiyev V, Ayhan S, Yuksel S, Mmopelwa T, Domingo-Sabat M, Pellise F, Alanay A, Perez-Grueso FJS, Kleinstück F, Obeid I, Acaroglu E, European Spine Study Group. Cognitive impairment following adult spinel deformity surgery. Global Spine J (2016); 06 – GO188. Global Spine Congress & World Forum for Spine Research, Dubai, UAE, 13-16 April, 2016.   Acaroglu E, Guler UO, Ayhan S, Mmopelwa T, Nabıyev V,Domingo-Sabat M, Pellise F, Perez-Grueso FJS, Alanay A, Obeid I, Kleinstück F, European Spine Study Group. How reliable is the surgeon’s ability to differentiate between idiopathic and degenerative deformity in adults; what parameters help them decide ? Global Spine J (2016); 06 – GP048. Global Spine Congress & World Forum for Spine Research, Dubai, UAE, 13-16 April, 2016.   Ayhan S, Yuksel S, Niyazi A, Nabiyev V, Guler UO, Mmopelea T, Domingo-Sabat M, Pellise F, Alanay A, Perez-Grueso FJS, Obeid I, Kleinstück F, Acaroglu E, European Spine Study Group. Multiple regression analysis of factors affecting the mental component score constituents of SF-36 in adult spinel deformity. Global Spine J (2016); 06 – GP049. Global Spine Congress & World Forum for Spine Research, Dubai, UAE, 13-16 April, 2016. Cem Karabulut1, Selim Ayhan1,2, Selcen Yuksel 3, Vugar Nabiyev1, Ferran Pellise4, Alba Vila-Casademunt4, Ahmet Alanay5, Francisco Javier Sanchez Perez Grueso6, Frank Kleinstuck7, Ibrahim Obeid8, Emre Acaroglu1, European Spine Study Group (ESSG).      Adult Spinal Deformity over 70 Years of Age: A Two-Years Follow-up Study.     Selcen Yüksel1, Tiro Mmopelwa2, Selim Ayhan2, Vugar Nabiyev2, Ferran Pellise3, Alba       Villa-Casademunt3, Ahmet Alanay4, Francisco Javier Sanchez Perez Grueso5, Frank Kleinstuck6, Ibrahim Obeid7, Emre Acaroglu2, European Spine Study Group (ESSG)4.  Which parameters of the Schwab-SRS classification system for ASD is significant in predicting treatment outcomes in surgically treated patients? Nabiyev V, Ayhan.S, Adhikari P, Palaoglu S, Acaroglu E  Cryocompression Therapy After Elective Spinal Surgery For Pain Management: A Double Blind Study With Historical Control. Global Spine Congress May 2-5, 2018 Singapore Adhikarı P, Nabiyev V, Ayhan S, Yuksel S, Acaroglu E. Does local antibiotic (vancomycin) decrease the rate of infection in spine surgery:retrospective case series with historical control . Global Spine Congress May 2-5, 2018 Singapore Intra-wound application of vancomycin powder may increase Gr (-) wound infections: A case-control study Emre Acaroglu, Prashant Adhikari, Vugar Nabi Nabiyev, Selim Ayhan, Selcen Yuksel, Selcuk Palaoglu. Eurospine Congress.Barcelona, Spain, 19-21 September Cem Karabulut , Selim Ayhan ,Selcen Yuksel , Vugar Nabiyev , Alba Vila-Casademunt , Ferran Pellise , Ahmet Alanay , Francisco Javier Sanchez Perez-Grueso , Frank Kleinstuck , Ibrahim Obeid , Emre AcarogluYetmiş Yaş ve Üzeri Hastalarda Erişkin Omurga Deformitesi Tedavisi: İki Yıl Takipli Hastaların Sonuçları.   Yaşlanan Omurga Sempozyumu 16.10.2018. Ankara Türkiye Vugar Nabi · Selim Ayhan · Emre Acaroglu· Mustafa Arda Ahi · Hakan Toreyin5· A. Enis Cetin.Lomber Omurgada Disk ve Faset dejenerasyonunu, omurga seslerinin akustik analizi ile teşhis edebilir miyiz? Yaşlanan Omurga Sempozyumu 16.10.2018. Ankara Türkiye Vugar Nabi Nabiyev, Mustafa Arda Ahi, Selim Ayhan, Hajan Toreyin, Enis Çetin, Rıfat Emre Acaroğlu. Lomber omurgada disk ve faset dejenerasyonunu, omurga seslerinin akustik analizi ile teşhis edebilir miyiz? 28. Ulusal Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi Selim Ayhan, Vugar Nabi Nabiyev, Selçuk Palaoğlu. Bel ağrısını taklit eden patoloji:Sakrum stress kırığı. Epidimiolojik araştırma. 28. Ulusal Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi Vugar Nabi Nabiyev, M. Cemalettin Aksoy. Ileri derece sabit diz fleksiyon kontraktürlerinin korrekte edilmesinde yumuşak doku gevşetilmesi ve akut femur kısaltmanın etkinliği. Vaka serisi ve teknik özet. 28. Ulusal Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi Vugar Nabi Nabiyev, Selim Ayhan, Prashant Adhikari, Selcen Yüksel,Montse Domingo- Sàbat, Alba Vilacasademunt, Ferran Pellisé, Ibrahim Obeid, Frank S. Kleinstueck, Francisco Javier Sanchez Perez-grueso, Ahmet Alanay, Rıfat Emre AcaroğluErişkin omurga deformite cerrahisi sonrası,düşük hemoglobin düzeyleri hastaların,taburculuk sonrası hastaneye yeniden yatışını etkiliyor mu?. 28. Ulusal Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi Vugar Nabi Nabıyev, Selcen Yüksel, Selim Ayhan, Prashant Adhikari, Montse Domingo-sàbat, Alba Vilacasademunt, Ferran Pellisé, Ibrahim Obeid, Frank S. Kleinstueck, Francisco Javier Sanchez Perez-grueso, Ahmet Alanay, Rıfat Emre Acaroğlu. Erişkin Omurga Deformitesinde Sağlıkla İlişkili Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeğinin Minimum Saptanabilir Değişim ve Minimal Klinik Önem Farkı. 28. Ulusal Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi Vugar Nabi Nabıyev, Gazi Huri, Egemen Turhan, Filippo Famılıarı, Mahmut Nedim Doral. Ayak bileği kemik yapısının radyografik özellikleri ve tekrarlayan ayak bileği burkulması ile ilişkisi. 28. Ulusal Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi                   Poster bildiriler   Selcen Yuksel MD, Selim Ayhan MD, Vugar Nabiyev MD,Montse Domingo-Sabat MD, Ferran Pellise MD, FrankKleinstück MD, Ibrahim Obeid MD, Francesco Sanchez Perez-Grueso MD, Ahmet Alanay MD, Emre Acaroglu MD,The European Spine Study Group.  A cluster analysis of the classifiable parameters in Adult Spinal Deformity: Are we missing something with the present classification systems? Global Spine Congress, 3-5 Mayıs 2017, Italya.     Selim Ayhan MD, Vugar Nabiyev MD, Selcen Yuksel MD,Prashant Adhikari MD, Montse Domingo-Sabat MD,Ferran Pellise MD, Frank Kleinstück MD, Ibrahim Obeid MD, Francesco Sanchez Perez-Grueso MD, Ahmet Alanay MD, Emre Acaroglu MD, The European Spine Study Group.  The influence of age and gender on treatment results in surgically treated patients with adult spinal deformity (ASD). Global Spine Congress, 3-5 Mayıs 2017, Italya.   Vugar Nabiyev MD, Selcen Yuksel MD, Selim Ayhan MD, Montse Domingo-Sabat MD, Ferran Pellise MD, Frank Kleinstück MD, Ibrahim Obeid MD, Francesco Sanchez Perez-Grueso MD, Ahmet Alanay MD, Emre Acaroglu MD, The European Spine Study Group.  The impact of baseline psychological factors assessed by SF36-MCS on the prognosis and treatment results of Adult Spine Deformity Surgery.  Global Spine Congress, 3-5 Mayıs 2017, Italya.   Adhikarı P, Nabiyev V, Ayhan S, Yuksel S, Acaroglu E . Evaluating Predictive Ability of Visual Analogue Scale on Oswestry Disability Index and Surgical Treatment Decision in Patients with Adult Spinal Deformity . Global Spine Congress May 2-5, 2018 Singapore   Vugar Nabiyev MD, Selcen Yuksel MD, Selim Ayhan MD, Montse Domingo-Sabat MD, Ferran Pellise MD, Frank Kleinstück MD, Ibrahim Obeid MD, Francesco Sanchez Perez-Grueso MD, Ahmet Alanay MD, Emre Acaroglu MD, The European Spine Study Group.  Do Postoperative Low Hemoglobin Levels Impact Hospital Readmission After Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery? Global Spine Congress May 2-5, 2018 Singapore     Selim Ayhan MD, Selcen Yuksel MD, Vugar Nabiyev MD Montse Domingo-Sabat MD, Ferran Pellise MD, Frank Kleinstück MD, Ibrahim Obeid MD, Francesco Sanchez Perez-Grueso MD, Ahmet Alanay MD, Emre Acaroglu MD, The European Spine Study Group. Minimal Detectable Change and Minimal Clinically Important Difference of the Health Related Quality of Life Scales in Adult Spinal Deformity Global Spine Congress May 2-5, 2018 Singapore Vugar NABIYEV , Gazi HURİ, Egemen TURHAN, Filippo FAMILIARI, Mahmut Nedim DORAL. Radiographic characteristics of the osseous configuration of ankle and it’s relationship with recurrent ankle sprain.APOA congress 2018, Antalya, Turkey Emre Acaroglu, Selcen Yuksel, Vugar Nabi Nabiyev, Selim Ayhan, Prashant Adhikari, Ferran Pellise, Francisco JS Perez Grueso, Frank Kleinstueck, Ahmet Alanay, Ibrahim Obeid, Alba Vila Casademunt, European Spine Study Group (ESSG)Can We Still Use a Single Value for Minimum Detectable Change and Minimum Clinically Important Difference of Health Related Quality of Life Parameters in Adult Spinal Deformity ? Eurospine Congress 2018. Barcelona, Spain, 19-21 September           Book chapters and translations: 1. Nabi V. Acaroglu E. The Anatomi and Biomechanics of Spine. ed: Mustafa Karahan.TOTBID Publications- ISBN: 978-605-67864-2-6. Ankara, April 2018 2. Nabiyev V . Orthopaedic Residency For Foreign Nationals. Ed: Azboy I. TOTBID Publications. ISBN: 978-605-6600-78-4. Ankara, October, 2016 3. Ayhan S, Nabiyev V, Acaroglu E.  Resection and Stabilization in Lumbar Spine Tumors, in Diagnosis and Management of Spine and Spinal Cord Tumors, ed: Ufuk Aydinli, Serdar Kahraman, Erol Yanliz.  Turkish Spine Society Publications -3, 2016 ( Turkish).       Other Meetings (Courses, Symposia, Congress etc.)Attented Course on Emergencies of Intenal Medicine for Residents; Hacettepe University School of Medicine Department of Internal Medicine and Hacettepe University Medical Students Scientific Research Society.  Symposium on Informed Concent, Malpractice, Complications, Complicated Cases and Solutions in Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery; Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Section of Spine and Peripheral Nerve.  9-12 October, 2003, Bodrum, Mugla, Turkey. AOSpine Interactive Course.  16-18 June, 2006, Istanbul, Turkey (Theoretical). AOSpine Symposium – Masterclass in Degenerative and Tumor Spine.  11-13 June 2009, Bodrum, Turkey. Turkish Spine Society Educational Courses, Module 1: Basic Comprehensive Course, 9-11 April, 2010, Antalya, Turkey. Turkish Spine Society Educational Courses, Module 2: Degenerative Challenges, 4-6 June, 2010, Ankara, Turkey.. AOSpine Principles Course—Spinal Trauma, 28-29 Oct, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey. AOSpine Principles Course—Degenerative Spine, 30-31 Mar, 2012, Ankara, Turkey. 2nd Meeting on Experience and Evidence on Spinal Surgery, March 15-16, 2013, Ankara, Turkey. XI. International Spine Congress, Turkish Spine Society, 29 April – 3 May 2015, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey. AO Spine Advanced Symposium – Deformity.  29 – 30 April 2016, Adana,Turkey.


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Soru - Cevap

Doktora henüz soru sorulmamış

Doktor Sıkça Sorulan Sorular (SSS)

Doç. Dr. Vugar NABİ, Çocuk Ortopedisi uzmanıdır.

Varlık, Kazım Karabekir Cd., 07100 Muratpaşa/Antalya adresinde hasta kabul etmektedir.

Evet, Doç. Dr. Vugar NABİ ile online randevu alarak görüntülü veya telefon üzerinden danışabilirsiniz.

Randevu almak için yukarı kısımda bulunan "Randevu Al" bölümünü kullanabilirsiniz.

Doç. Dr. Vugar NABİ hakkında yapılan hasta yorumlarına ve değerlendirmelere buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. ;